Saturday, May 3, 2008

My Composition

I know dat no matter what I had chosen to do I would still be in this same exact place at this same exact time and be the same exact person.
These are just jumbled ideas of who I am..

To get a better sense of who I am
You need to know what getting a major in computer science did to me...
In skool i was programmed to think like a machine...i was drilled to compartmentalize everything and process it in a series of code blocks
IF this THEN that
LOOP that variable action
END outcome will equal your answer.
Even know for 8 hours a day i need to think like this.

But this is not who I am or what I am made of.
Truly I am an artist at heart.

I refuse to conform to what i was taught or to what i have to do to get by. I refuse to forget why I chose not to go to art skool.
I could have been an economist but money is nothing more than a means to an end so even though I overstood economics it never interested me.
Computers on the other hand interested me because of the complexity and knowledge they inherit, but there is nothing without us to operate them.

So truly I am an artist at heart

I luv art and the freedom it gives you. No matter wat art you chose to study; painting, drawing, music, philosophy, martial.... Any of these give you the freedom to express urself and to not be constricted to a series of words or lines of code.

I think that only an artist can understand an artist. To the rest of the world we are obtuse and strange, But in reality we just view this world with different eyes.

I also studied philosophy in skool and I was fascinated by it. The word philosophy derives from the Greek words
Philos love and
Sophia wisdom.
The Love of Wisdom.
This is something that can describe me... always analyzing, always trying to find out how it works and why it works the way it does. Sometimes it's hard to turn my brain off. I can get lost in a simple question that most people chose to overlook. But it is this love of wanting to know that always drives me. I have been to numerous places in my life always looking for the answer to my questions. Never have I found those answers, only bits and pieces of them here and there and so I continue my quest, I continue to search as much as I can amidst everyday "corporate life".

To get a better sense of who I am and what i am made of you need to read what my horoscope sign says.
I am a Pisces nothing can contain me. I tend to day dream too much and be too kind. I care about how people feel and most of the time I put others needs in front of mine. I don't go crazy out of my way to help people but I can watch your back better than your guardian angel.

To get a better sense of who I am
you need to know that i was born in Puebla, Mexico... And come from a n outstanding line of people... Puebla was where Mexico defeated the French army in a single battle, which is why el 5 de Mayo is celebrated. My great, great grand daddy fought along side Pancho Villa the great Mexican revolutionary. My great great grandmother was wounded while fighting in the revolution. My home town is at the foot of a fierce volcano and a small mountain range that legend has it were created from a great Warrior who died of heartbreak holding his beautiful princess in his arms. He became the volcano and she became that mountain range.

My mother gave me the gift of rage. She is kinder now, but I remember her as a woman not to fuck with. She showed me strength and taught me to respect only those who respected me. She taught me to lead by actions and not words and if I am ever in any type of a fight not 2 bullshit around and step up. She said if she ever saw anyone kick our ass she would give us a bigger beating. She taught me tough luv. Always looks out for us even now.
I only remember seein her cry 2 times in my life. One when i was about 5 at the frontera because my father didnt want her to come live wit him here in NY and the other when she got robbed at knife point back when I was in second grade. She has had a couple of surguries and treatments for tumors and cancerous type things but she has pulled thru. Always pulled thru.

She taught me many lessons in life and she was always the one that disciplined my brother and I. She would allow my father to hit us.
My mother also taught me to love music. When I was young she would make me dance with her to the beats of Gloria Estefan and the Miami Sound Machine.."come one baby shake ya body and the the conga..."
My mother is one of my greatest heroes she has been thru so much for me to have a better live and my greatest fear is that I will never be able to pay her back for her sacrifices.

My father gave me the gift of understanding. He is always calm and collected even wen the shit hits the fan. He is a pillar, an imovable fuking mountain that everyone can lean on. He always worked and worked, taught me how to be a hard worker to suck it up no matter how bad it is keep moving. Maybe one day I can be half the man he is. I never seen him drunk or smoke even though he does drink and did smoke. He always pushed me to be smart and to think. 2 be respectful and to the the right thing.

Everyone has flaws and my father's would be that he cared 2 much for his brothers and so there was always a down pour of problems around us dat came from outside places and my father, no matter if it broke his back would fix his brothers mistakes. My mom always questioned why he was so dumb why he didnt look after us better. But I never question my father's intent. I know that I am exactly like him. I know dat same satisfaction of helping a person in need. so I never question any of his actions. Even to this day he gives his life for us to have a better one.

My brother being 5 years older always looked out for me. He taught me lessons that only older brothers can teach. Took me to too many places for my own good. Showed me many things but never showed me right from wrong.
He was the all state soccer player, captain of the the team, got the hot girls. He was the coolest older brother and it always seemed even to this date that my parents preferred him over me but it never bothered me. I always knew that him and I were not alike. When shit around us would fall apart he would buckle, but not I.He always wondered how I managed to keep going amongst everything stacked against us. Through all his flaws he is still a good person.

How do i repay these sacrifices given by both my parents??
By being the best person that I can possibly be. I try hard yes. I try hard to be a good person. I try hard to be kind and hard working like my father and I try hard to be strong like my mother. I help those in need like my father would. I forgive like my father does at the same time I carry the fury that my mother does so many times it takes me a while to forgive. The energy I carry in the martial arts comes from my mother without a doubt and the intellect I carry in the martial arts comes from my father without a doubt. Even though martial arts means nothing to them I think that studying them can help me be that better person.

And to get an even better understanding of who I am
You have to kno that I believe in love. I have said those powerful words to three different ladies and I meant it for each one. My first love was that young love in which you really don't know what is going on or how to treat that person. Its that immature love, nevertheless it was love and from her I saw how beautiful love was.
My second love was destructive but not in a bad way. It showed me great pain and broken heart but at the same time it took the blind fold out of my eyez and made me realize the reality of life and love.
My third love more than anything has shown me how to love. She has shown me tender beauty and sweet kindness. She saved me from a life bent on self destruction. I know that no matter what happens from now till the end I owe it all to her.
Love is a powerful life force it can create and destroy which is why I am always ready to let go of her.

And to get an even deeper understanding of who I am
I believe that there are energies all around us and each person gives of a different type of energy.
I believe that each one of was placed here to CO-exist because each one of us is nothing without someone else to feel our energy.
I believe that everything happens for a reason and even the smallest thing can have the greatest of consequences, the theory of the butterfly effect.
I believe that I was protected by strong energies throughout my life but now they have turned their back on me because of the many mistakes I've made in life.
Mistakes yes. No one is perfect. Mistakes I have made many and they carried great consequences but I take full responsibility and have suffered for them.
I believe that each person can shape his or her life to an extent but eventually everything they did falls into a certian piece on the puzzle.
I believe that no matter what, there is only one life and it is this life. Never again in another life time will I know you as who you are now. I will only know you once and that is now. In another lifetime even though it's the same soul it is a different you.
I believe that when the universe reaches its maximium expansion it will contract trillions of times in less then a second and there will be nothing as before.. There will be a big bang in reverse and we shall exist as nothing for an eternity. When this happen and there is nothing for an eternity the universe will expand again trillions of times in less then a second and everything will replay itself again.. You and I and everything will exist again in an eternity multiplied by an eternity, from now everything will happen the same way it did the first time.

To get a better deeper understanding of who I am you must know that

a few times have i been through situations where people have said u are lucky to be alive and my response to them is the same as I told my brother when he questioned how it is I keep going..
Those of us with the essence of a Tiger never give up.

This is just an explosion of thoughts about who i am but more importantly...

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